There are many benefits to having a chore chart for kids. Not only does it help to teach them responsibility, but it also gives them a sense of ownership and pride in their home. Plus, it can be a great way to get the whole family involved in pitching in and helping out around the house. If you’re looking for chore chart inspiration, here are 50 homemade DIY chore chart ideas for kids.
For simple yet effective chore charts, try using magnets or Velcro to attach chores to the fridge or a bulletin board. You can also get creative and make your own chore chart with construction paper, markers, and stickers. Or, if you want something that’s ready to go, there are plenty of printable chore charts available online. Whichever route you choose, be sure to involve your kids in the process of creating the chore chart so that they buy into it and are more likely to stick with it. With a little planning and effort, a DIY chore chart can be a helpful tool in teaching kids about responsibility and taking pride in their home.

Homemade DIY Chore Chart Ideas for Kids
If your life seems much cluttered right now, with these 50 DIY chore chart ideas for kids, you can declutter it! How? Well, by working like a whole unit and one team with every member of your family. With work and so many other things to take care of, teaching kids discipline and the value of working around the house is as important as anything else. However, it gets tougher, keeping an eye on your kids all the time! And then resolving the fights of who has to work always, make the bed, leave the dishes in the kitchen sink, etc. Rid your life of these arguments by dividing tasks equally!
Our collection of DIY chore chart ideas for kids will not just make your life much more manageable, but it will actually turn parenting into so much fun! All the while teaching your kids something valuable and meaningful! From little toddlers to preschoolers and kindergartners to grown-up kids, these DIY chore chart ideas are perfect for any age! Once you start exploring through these, we bet you will be thrilled to add learning, discipline, and management with fun in your house! So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get exploring the chore list for kids, shall we?!
1. DIY Magnetic Chore Chart

Sometimes you need somebody to remind you of the routine work, you need an alarm to wake up and so does some important tasks for kids too. These DIY Chore chart ideas on Magnetic Chore chart with a to-do list is all you need to tick off the daily tasks. seevanessacraft
2. Homemade Washi Tape Chore Chart

Get yourself stress-free with this easy DIY Chore chart ideas on Washi tape made chore chart. All you need are some basic materials, including some jars, some wooden ice cream sticks on which you can paste the washi tape later as you tick off the work. oldsaltfarm
3. Making a Magnet Chore Chart with Cricut

As you require a sticky note when you are at work, so do kids with the daily tasks. Help them schedule their tasks with this DIY Chore chart ideas for kids on Magnetic board made with Cricut. Hang some magnets with to do tags on it, and your kids can stay updated all the time. clarkscondensed
4. How to Make Chore Chart for Kids

What an easy way to tick off the daily tasks than this DIY Chore chart, this chart is very helpful for ticking off your hectic weekly schedule. You can also prioritize your tasks as per your ease, and once they are done, you can check them on your daily tab. artsyfartsymama
5. DIY Daily Routine Chart for Kids

Kids love to involve themselves in curricular activity, but what nice way to prioritize their tasks on a tab or a daily task board. With this easy DIY Chore chart board, you can make your kids tick off their completed work too. listeninginthe
6. Easy Magnetic Chore Chart

Learning is part of growing up. When you teach your kids from a very early age in basic manners, they can be a responsible citizen of the future. Make them a Magnetic chore chart for them to prioritize their daily tasks with some basic supplies. fabulesslyfrugal
7. Free Printable Chore Chart Shrinky Dinks

Check out these amazing printable chore chart magnetic dinks for your daily tasks. Your kids might be stubborn, or they don’t help you out with basic house chores. Well, now you got yourself an easy way to make them do it themselves. makingthingsis
8. DIY Chore Jars for Kids

Sometimes it gets challenging to get your kids to do their tasks all by themselves. They make a mess out of it, or sometimes even ruin it. Well, with these Easy DIY Chore jar for kids tutorial, you don’t need to worry anymore. ourthreepeas
9. Pretty Clothespin Chore Chart

Clothespin was once used only to hang clothes, well not anymore. With this chore chart made up of clothespin, you can easily manage your daily routine errands. These clothespins are readily available in every household; all you need is to follow some basic steps. eclecticrecipes
10. DIY Cookie Sheet Chore Charts

Kids grow very early, and so do they pick up basic things very early too. Keeping in mind if they are taught in a way by their parents. With some basic supplies at home, you can get this DIY Chore chart for kids by using a magnetic cookie sheet. craftaholicsano
11. Cleaning Fun Chore Chart for Kids

What’s better than your kids helping you out your basic house chores? From cleaning your house, or helping you to sort their wardrobe. A hand is always helpful; regardless, it’s a small one. With these DIY Chore charts for kids, cleaning can be made easier. aspottedpony
12. Easy DIY Ice Cream Cone Chore Chart

Kids love everything that is sweet. Why not trick them into doing their daily tasks with ice cream as a gift? It sounds a bit evil, but someone has to teach those kids some basic time management skills as they grow. So with these DIY Chore charts on ice cream, look-alike cards get them to work and gift them some sweet when they are done with a specific task. childmadetutor
13. Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

Kids are fast learners, and they try to give their best whenever they are asked to do a task. Why not make them used to do their own tasks from a very early age. With these DIY Chore charts, you can segment some tasks based on their age. makinglemona
14. How to Make Children’s Chore Chart

Check out this fantastic DIY Chore chart for kids, where you can make them organize their daily routine tasks in a way that they can do willingly, and they enjoy it too. This chart can be painted later on or given names of your kids also, so they can tick off their completed tasks. divaofdiy
15. Printable Chore Charts for Kids

Every parent wants their young kids to learn some sense of responsibility. From a very early age, you can make them prone to a routine to follow, by using these printable chore charts now you don’t need to worry. You can download these too when in a jiffy. onecreativem
16. DIY Magnetic Dry Erase Kids Chore Chart

It becomes a very daunting task for parents to clean up the mess kids make. To make them learn some sense of responsibility, creates yourself a DIY Chore chart that can be erased too later on. To achieve the chart, all you need is to work on the following supplies. greyhouseharbor
17. Kids Chore Chart – Free Printable

Making kids do their tasks sometimes is very difficult. But it can be made interesting for them by using these printable chore chart ideas. These charts can be modified as per your ease, and kids would love to participate in it too. simplydesigning
18. Wall Chore Chart From Up-cycled Crib

Baby cribs are something that stays in your house even when kids are not of that age to use them! In order to use those old ribs, we have got some amazing DIY Chore chart ideas for the cribs that you can hang on a wall with some to- do signs for your kids. bydawnnicole
19. DIY Kids Photo Chore Chart

Kids learn things early, especially when it’s something that involves them. For all those parents who want to make their kids learn things themselves, these DIY Chore chart ideas on photo chore charts are for you. Follow these ways, and you are good to go. sisterssuitcase
20. Easy to Make Illustrated Chore Chart

Animations and illustrations are things that draw the kid’s attention. Use this trick in your DIY Chore chart project if you are looking for some creative ways to make them do their tasks. Use basics supplies to achieve the perfect chart as done here. researchparent
21. Mason Jar Chore Chart

Being a part of a family, why only you get to do the work? These little fellows also need to learn some basic responsibilities. Though it’s a bit tricky to get them to do their work, but a by using an old mason jar, you can get them to do their task themselves. thecraftedsparrow
22. Make Your Own Chore Sticks for Kids

Kids are fast learners. But every parent has once in a lifetime faced this issue where they can’t control their kids. But now you don’t need to worry. With these easy chore sticks, you can make all those tasks completed on time. livingwellmom
23. Morning Motivation Solution using Chore Charts

It’s in human nature to get demotivated. Heavy routine tasks, busy schedules all make everything monotonous, someday. Kids somehow feel the same, so in order to keep them motivated, these chart signs are the best option for parents to keep them motivated throughout the day. thecraftingchicks
24. DIY Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

Why only parents got to do the work? Kids have to put in the effort too. That’s like a dream for parents where they can get their kids to do their daily tasks. With these easy DIY Chore charts, you can easily make them do their daily tasks. 100things2do
25. Back to School Chart Printable

Summer holidays are over, and all you think about is now to sort your kids back to school essentials. Tick those essentials off some DIY Chore chart that you can easily make out of these printable chart designs. the36thavenue
26. Paint Chip Chore Chart for Kids

Sometimes it gets difficult for parents to make their kids do the work. But one can make it exciting with this colorful Chore chart for kids, all process for the tasks is broken down into some easy steps. Follow the tutorial, and you get your own DIY Chore chart. mommymoment
27. How to DIY Printable Chore Chart

A chore chart is something that can make kids learn a lot. They can tick off the tasks assigned to them by their parents, even they feel a sense of satisfaction when they do some tasks themselves. Get the printable version of yours from here. sincerelysarad
28. DIY Kids Summer Checklist

Summer vacations have started, and all you worry about is kids making a mess in the house. Well, you can always make them do their tasks in some creative way possible, like assign them a chore chart checklist duty where they have to check all the daily tasks allotted to them. Love the day
29. Gorgeous Magnetic Chore Chart

Summer holidays are the busiest time for all parents! Since kids are at home and all they do is make parents run like a roller coaster. For all those parents we have got a solution to your problem.Now you can make your kids do the work too in some easy steps. iheartorganizing
30. DIY Cork Board Chore Chart

It always feels nice to get some work done. How about when it’s being done by your little ones, it’s more pleasant for you since you made them do it. Get your DIY Chore chart on a corkboard where they can pin their daily tasks themselves. momtastic
31. Homemade Dry Erase Chore Chart Clip Boards

School is about to start! And all you got to do is make sure that all necessary back to school essentials are completed. For that matter, kids can help you too, with this DIY Chore chart for kids you can stay updated as what needs to be done. the36thavenue
32. DIY Chore Chart for Multiple Children

Have lots of kids at home, and all you worry is about the mess they make. Why not make them organize that mess too. By this DIY Chore chart, you can sort out all basic to do’s on a day for multiple kids by using these supplies at home. howdoesshe
33. Framed Magnetic Charts

For kids, magnets are always an attraction. Instead of making them paste magnets on refrigerators, make them use these Magnetic frames to tick off their daily tasks. All you need are some old frames, and you can get yourself your own DIY Chore chart. lemonsqueez
34. DIY Cricut Craft – Chore Chart

Make chores fun for your kids! We bet they would be so much more interested in moving these beautiful Cricut crafts and wooden pieces from to do to done list! All you need is some whiteboards, vinyl, and wood pieces. vanillajoy
35. Easy DIY Burlap Chore Chart

Check out this simple to make and flawless burlap chore chart. You can make this by using an art canvas, burlap, nail gun, cardstock, 2-inch circle cutter, distress ink, clothespin, ribbon, double stick tape, foam stamps, and craft paint. oldsaltfarm
36. How to Make Kids’ Chore Chart

Transformation of a snowman board into this catchy DIY kid’s chore chart! By using some mod podge, scrapbook paper, and clothespins, you can totally spruce up the look of this chore chart and totally interest your kids into completing their chores. aturtleslifeforme
37. Making Post-it Note Chore Chart

Here’s another fun way to keep your kids scheduled and on time with this post-it note chore chart. The tutorial has got these fun printables for you to download, they have these cute checkboxes that kids can check off once they have completed their tasks. tatertotsandjello
38. DIY Printable Toddler Chore Chart

Discipline starts at an early age! The earlier you get your kid on schedule, the better it will be for him and you. For the little toddlers, these image-based chores will be both fun to learn and complete by playing around some colorful magnets. thenerdswife
39. Simple DIY Magnetic Chore Chart

Cleaning is done right! With this DIY kid’s chore chart idea, you can keep your kids right on time to assist you in keeping the house clean. Somewhat simple has got the free printable chores which you can download and get to some magnet hunting later. somewhatsimple
40. DIY Chore Charts for Teens

Tagging on the board! Assign each different kid tasks each day according to their age. Keep a pocket of those tags or the tags library, once the task has been done. Kids can easily remove the tags back to the library. tombowusa
41. Free Rotating Chore Chart and Chore Checklist for Kids

This is quite a beautiful idea to keep the whole family organized and working together as a unit! This one chore chart is for older kids, so no catchy pictures. Each magnet represents a different kid, and the box they are in is where they have to clean up today! tipsfromatypica
42. Cheap DIY Kitchen Chore Chart

Make this motivating kid’s chore chart by using these few supplies for kitchen tasks! All you are going to need is baking pans (that’s right), black chalk paint, small buttons, magnets, ribbon, chalk paint marker, and paintbrushes. lifefamilyfun
43. Beautiful Chore Chart for Kids

If you want to engage your kids in housework and keep them motivated enough to keep doing it, you have got to come up with something more attractive and catchy. Make this cheery chore chart using these supplies and get little helping hands on board. cleverlysimple
44. Handmade Chore Charts

Apart from motivating your kids to be helpful and active, we can also call these DIY kids chore chart ideas quite the sanity savers! This one here is quite pretty to look at, right? Made with some cookie sheet, magnetic vinyl, and ribbon. herviewfromho
45. DIY Chore Chart for Kids

Make your little one’s day more easily manageable with this simple and fun chore chart. You can make it using 11” x 14” foam core poster board, washi tape, letter stickers, ruler, scissors, adhesive Velcro dots, craft sticks, and a label maker. thenopressurelife
46. Creative Magnetic Chore Chart

This simple magnetic chore chart can take away the troubles of resolving those fights, which involve “I always work more than he does.” Smartly and efficiently divide chores to all your kids and assign tasks accordingly.
47. DIY Picture Chore Chart

Way to make chores even more fun! This picture chore chart tutorial is such a heart stealer, and you can keep your kids happily organized. By using a wooden board, the fabric felt, sticky letters, sawtooth picture hangers, a paper punch, and a few more supplies. heatherhaupt
48. Hello Summer Chore Chart

Check out this cute, funky and live Hello Summer chore chart! Get these fun printable from the tutorial, and along with those, you will need clipboards, scissors, and Velcro to make these. iheartnaptime
49. Make Summer Chore Charts

Because when summer holidays are around, procrastination and being lazy all day long is perhaps the most real thing. So, for your little girls and boys download these themed chore charts with fun-to-do lists to make things more exciting like reading a book, etc., lilluna
50. Adorable Chore Charts for Kids

This chore chart can be perfect for your 3-year-old! It is super easy to make using a cookie sheet, magnets, wooden circle cut outs, letter stickers, and some funky and fun stickers to decorate. pick ease
51. DIY Chore Chart

This simple chore chart can keep your kiddo all organized and well managed! Plus, it is so simple to make and then use that it is going to attract him so much. It is some colored cardstock papers, magnetic sticky paper, and other craft notions to make this one. mynameissnicker
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Have you seen the magic of a few craft notions combined with some crazy and brilliantly working ideas that can be the most fun thing you can do with your family? Our DIY chore chart ideas will surely make chores at your home the most fun game from To-do to the Done section of the chores board!